Fab Fifties!

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The process of making our documentary was extremely time consuming. I say this mainly because I first had to learn how to use Movie Maker. Neither I nor my partner knew how to use the program, so it was rather difficult. The first big mishap was when I used Windows Live Movie Maker, and had half the project completed. Sure this sounds fine now, but a few days later I went to continue working on it, it would not open. So of course I had to go back to the drawing board. This time I realized I had Movie Maker, and things were a lot easier now. We took a lot of time preparing what we wanted in our movie. We thought of many ideas which would work well, but some of them were actually very hard to do physically. This eliminated some of our possibilities. We then had to find the same free time in our schedules, to fit in when and were to film. Luckily all the places we wanted to film at allowed us to. Seeing as our era was the fifties, we went to a diner. Specifically, we went to Wimpy’s. The people there were very nice and let us film. Just finding time to record us acting was the most challenging. Although many things went wrong during the whole span of the project, many things did work out. We found it very easy to find lots of information on our era. The fifties was an extremely busy and interesting time. Much of the media expanded and developed during the fifties which is why it was so easy to talk about, therefore it made finding information for most categories easier to locate. Also, I liked how we were able to incorporate so many different components of the fifties. We showed pictures, to videos and songs. I felt this was a good way to represent the era, because you were really able to see what it was like to live in the fifties. One part we found did not work, was the time. I felt that we did not start this project soon enough, although we had the information about it. If we were to gather our information quicker and actually start our project, it would have been a lot easier and possibly better. Planning our project was fairy easy, but the work of doing it was quite complicated. Putting the project together was time taking and complex. I found it difficult to make sure the timing for everything lined up, and to make sure I only used that amount of time. Also I realized that it is hard to fully express yourself in the movie about the specific era because you do not want to bore the audience by having too many words on a slide. The last stage of our project was filling in our booklet. That was by far the simplest part of the project. Doing a works cited page was also very time consuming considering we used many sources. It was necessary, but hard time- taking work. I felt that our classmates also had very good video documentaries. They were appealing and kept me interested the entire time. I found it very interesting learning about all of the different era’s. Many of these documentaries were a good length of time and included lost of pictures and videos. I liked how most of them were able to convey the time period in a positive way. They were defiantly able to represent each aspect of the era so we, the audience, could clearly understand it. Also, I liked how many of the videos did not have a lot of writing explanations on their videos. Often when these appear in a documentary it loses your interest easily. I found that overall they were done very well and I enjoyed most of them. Sure, everyone could have used some more information here and there for each category, but I now have a clear understanding of each era. I found these very useful because I am now educated on life and living from back in time, and how far we have advanced. I have also learned when certain technology and trends started. I have gained knowledge about many new interesting facts from each era, not only from my peer’s projects, but of course my own.