Dove Evolution- Real Beauty

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Why do you think there is so much focus in our society on body image?

I think that there is so much focus on body imagine in our society because of the media. They are the ones who put the idea into our mind that we have to be perfect. We are pressured to look exactly like all the hot celebrities or models our age. Usually these people have the “perfect everything”. They not only have the perfect hair, makeup, skin, and of course the perfect body. Usually they are quite slim or in shape. The media gives us the idea that in order to be popular or successful in out society you have to follow/have the look of the celebrity. Since the media puts that idea in our head, we all assume that we have to follow this idea and strive to look the same. We all believe that we have to look flawless all the time, but really this is a near to impossible goal.

Where does our notion of an "ideal" body come from?

The notion of an ideal body comes from celebrities or models in the media. They are the ones, who are always published in magazines and such, and these are what we, the consumers buy. We assume that in order to be popular and attractive, we must look like them. Usually their body types are slender and toned. Of course they all have the perfect sun tan too.

Why do we think we should look a certain way?

We think that we should look a certain way because of all the pressure the media puts on us. We believe that what the media advertises about the celebrities is the way we should or have to look. We also think that by having the exact looks of a celebrity it will make us more successful or powerful. Really, this is untrue. It should not matter that you look exactly like a celebrity, as long as you dress respectable, and are a healthy and confident person then you should be fine in life.

How does the ideal image of a woman's body differ in other cultures? In other historic times? How does this compare to the ideal image of a man's body?

In different cultures different body types are a must. For example; some cultures a ‘full’ figured woman is what is desired or needed. In others it may be the complete opposite where very slender women have the ideal body. Back through time the ideal body was different. There were fads of what shape would be desired, for example; an hourglass figure or a skinny ‘Twiggy’ look. This compares to a males body in a very unique way. Men have always been thought of to have a bigger build than a woman, and more manly. Their ideal shape has stayed mostly the same throughout time, slender, toned and muscular, while a desired women’s shape has changed over time. There have been times where a more plump shape has been fashionable, and others, where skinny is all the rage.

Who controls what images we see?

Ultimately WE control what we see. Of course the media are the ones who are putting these images our there for us to see, but we are the ones to choose what we take part in. You do not have to subscribe or watch any of these media tabloids etc. We are the ones who choose what we see or what we believe. We can either subject ourselves to the media’s ideas and be a ‘follower’, or be our own person and not pursue what the ‘norm’ is, or how others believe we should look.

Do you think teenage girls are especially vulnerable to these ideas? Do teenage boys feel similar pressures?

Yes, personally I do believe that teenage girls are especially vulnerable to these ideas. I know personally even sometimes when I pick up one of my magazines and see someone with a beautiful tan and perfectly toned body, I sometimes wish that I could look exactly like that. I think that teenage girls get lost in the media because we sometimes feel that we have to look exactly how they project others our age to be. I also feel that boys feel similar pressures. Men in media are usually unbelievably muscular, and really how is this possible without some kind of enhancement. This is not a natural look at all. I believe boys feel the same pressure to be the same as those shown in the media.

Dove paid 2.4 million dollars for 30 seconds of commercial time during Super bowl XL (2006) to launch the commercial featuring the young girls. The Dove commercial is very different from most of the commercials featured during Super bowl broadcasts. (Typically these commercials are light-hearted, comedic, and rarely address social issues.) What do you think are some of the reasons why Dove would choose the Super bowl to showcase their commercial?

I believe that dove chose the Super bowl to showcase their commercial because first of all the Super bowl is one of the biggest watched, world wide television specials. So many from around the world would be watching at this time and would be able to view the commercial. Many of the viewers are young people, who Dove hopes to impress. Also, considering this commercial is so different, it would be very unique and would stick in people’s minds. Therefore they would remember this, and the product, which would result in profit for Dove.

For the most part, the Dove campaign has been well received by audiences. However, in addition to a few critics, there have also been some examples of the ads in public spaces being defaced. Why do you think some people may be critical of the Dove campaign?

I think that some people may be critical of the Dove campaign because it is such a different ad. With such uniqueness in an ad, there are sure to be people with their different opinions on such a topic. This could be a very controversial ad because of what they are doing. They are changing someone’s total look, and making them an untrue person. Many find this offensive and wrong, because this changed image is being placed into the media. Once this picture is in the media, this is what we now feel pressured to look like. But in reality it may be impossible for us to ever have this look because the actual person who the picture is of, doesn’t really look like this, as it was edited.